I worked on a number of sequences within the first series, contributing heavily to the Raven Cube, UI Screen Graphics and several of the 'Sandograms' (holograms made from sand).

Raven Cube
This asset appears in a several sequences and is a key point of interaction for Gaal. It was built using Cinema 4D for the main structure and several textures, with further 2D elements added in After Effects to complete the design.

Star Maps
In this sequence Gaal is using the Raven Cube to work out her location with very limited information. She has to run a series of manual calculations and these needed a visual representation.

Star Maps
This was done in After Effects by tracking her finger tip and using a light streak technique with Trapcode Particular visualising her hand movements as she works out the computations.

Star Maps
Finally the hand drawn elements move into place on the Raven Cube and become part of the Star Map Gaal is using to manually work out her location in space.

One of several 'Sandogram' shots, this was built using a combination of Cinema 4D with X-Particles passes that were then comped in After Effects and layered up with further 2D passes from Trapcode Form and Particular. This specific shot was required to show a shut down of the system as well.

One of the more complicated 'Sandograms', this shot included a video player within the element. Trapcode Form was used primarily to build a sense of life and 3D depth into the 2D footage that was to be displayed.